Search Engine Comparison

Search:   Permutation and Combination Problems
  Yahoo Vivisimo Gigablast Google Ask kartoo webcrawler
How long did it take? 0.4 sec 0.541 sec N/A 0.16 sec N/A N/A N/A
How many hits? 160,000 780,131 89,768 1,530,000 74,000 292,000 29
How many hits on page one had relevant information? 10 20 7 10 10 17 16
How many links worked on the first page of hits? 10 20 9 10 10 17 20
How current was the info? 2006 1997-2006 2005-2006 1997-2006 1997-2006 1997-2006 1997-2006
How accurate were the descriptions about the site? accurate accurate Not that accurate accurate accurate accurate Not that accurate
What was your overall rating (1-10) of this search engine 8 7 4 9 7 10 3