Digital Story


Example of Digital Story

The purpose of this unit is to gain a better understanding of various world monuments, what they symbolize, and why they are important. This unit is designed for a Seventh Grade Social Studies class. Students will have a chance to decide on the monument that they will present. It may be a world monument, a national monument, or any local monument that is important in some way. Some points that the students should consider are the construction of the monument, its history, and what the monument symbolizes. The monument that I chose to serve as an example for this project was the Statue of Liberty.

Students are allowed to use Microsoft PowerPoint for their presentation. Digital video should also be included whether original or borrowed. United Streaming is a good resource to use when looking for digital video to aid in the delivery of educational presentations. Students may also include voice-overs on their slides to help convey certain points of their presentation. At the conclusion of the presentation, students should attach a list of resources that were used to create their project.

Resources Used

Statue of Liberty and skyline of New York City, U.S.A. Jupiterimages Corporation (2005). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from
U.S. Symbols. 100% Educational Videos
(1998). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from
Statue of Liberty Statistics
(2006). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from
National Park Service US Department of the Interior:
The head of Statue of Liberty during construction.. IRC
(2005). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from
19th-Century Print of Tourists in the Torch of the Statue of Liberty. Corbis
(2006). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from
History in the Making: 1986. United Learning
(1991). Retrieved November 20, 2006, from



Using the Internet in Education
New Jersey City University
Any questions or comments regarding this site contact the webmaster.
Date of revision: November 23, 2006